One of my dreams was having my own business. In fact, for the last six years I have been running my own business (sole proprietorship), but I was also working for other companies. First at easyCruise, then at Hellenic Seaways...
Of course, every job I had was an important experience for my career life. In the meantime, the activity of my sole proprietorship company started increasing a lot over the last period, so I was not able to handle the responsibilities of both jobs. Therefore, I decided to stop working as an employee and to focus on my own business.
This decision entailed a great risk. When you have a family and must provide for three extra persons, it's not an easy choice to give up your steady salary and take a risk with something that cannot guarantee a stable income. However, I believe that you can't take the next step, if you don't also take some risk. So even if you want to go ahead, your choices might not allow you to.
During the entire last summer (2014) these thoughts were weighing on me. Particularly the thoughts of how possible it was to take this risk, whether I should take it, if it was the right thing to do, if I could do it, if it would be to my benefit or if it would harm me. All in all, it was very difficult for me to come to this decision, even if I was planning for it from years ago. However, I finally made my decision and I took the next step. I ended my collaboration with the company I was working for and I dedicated myself to my own business. The outcome justified me.
Closing this article, I would like to point out that at the end of the day we have to follow our instincts and not be overly hard-headed. Doing what we want, of course when what we want is accompanied by a healthy dose of common sense, not only gives us freedom of choice, but it makes us happier. It liberates us and helps us become better at what we do. So, I would advise anyone who is thinking about starting their own business, not to spend too much time thinking about it, but to take the next step quickly and decisively. Take this small risk that is necessary, and you will find that not only you will benefit from it, but you will also regret not doing it sooner!